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Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel Tingkat S1 Bulan Maret 2022

LOWONGANKERJA15.COM, Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel Tingkat S1 Bulan Maret 2022

Jangan pernah pukul rata sebuah keadaan, setiap orang memiliki alurnya sendiri. Kita pasti akan jadi yang terbaik di tempat dan waktu yang tepat. Kembali kami menghadirkan berbagai postingan terbaru mengenai lowongan kerja yang palig dicari dan diminati oleh banyak orang. Postingan loker yang kami suguhkn cocok bagi pelamar yang berpendidikan minimal SMA, D3 hingga sarjana S1. Namun patut anda ketahui dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan dibutuhkan sebuah tekad dan keinginan yang matang agar bisa memperolehnya dengan baik. 

Pekerjaan apapun itu pasti membutuhkan seorang pelamar yang memiliki kualitas dan kualifikasi yang diinginkan perusahaan. Semakin banyak kemampuan dan pengalaman kerja sipelamar, maka semakin mudah mendapatkan pekerjaan. Persiapan dalam mencari kerja sangat penting disamping kualifikasi pendidikan. Tentunya skill yang memadai akan mempermudah pelamar dalam melakukan tanggungjawab dan job deskripsi pekerjaan tersebut.

Berikut kami sampaikan sebuah informasi terbaru mengenai lowongan kerja Telkomsel untuk pelamar berpendidikan sarjana S1 dalam mengisi posisi jabatan menarik. Dibutuhkan yang bertalenta dan menguasai dibidangnya. Segeralah lamar pekerjaan ini dan silakan baca dulu semua persyaratan dan prosedur pendaftaran lowongan kerja Telkomsel sebagai berikut 

PT Telekomunikasi Selular, beroperasi dengan merek dagang Telkomsel, adalah salah satu perusahaan operator telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia.

About Telkomsel

We are a leading digital telecommunication company in Indonesia that continues to open up more opportunities and possibilities by enabling digital connectivity, digital platform, and digital services. Over the last 26 years of serving the nation, we have been consistently implementing the latest broadband technology, including 5G. Looking forward, we are now enriching innovative digital solutions including Mobile Gaming, Digital Entertainment, Digital Lifestyle, Mobile Financial Services, Enterprise Solutions, and the Internet of Things.

Our company is home to more than 5,400 employees that work together to make sure technology implementation fully benefits society. We are proud to serve more than 164 million customers nationwide and providing communication access to 95% of the country’s population, including those in the most inner, outermost, and least developed regions.

We are excited about the future. We aim to continuously deliver new digital technologies to connect and empower more people to create more opportunities both economically and socially. The challenge is big, but our desire to make a change is even bigger. If you are a change maker, this might be a place where we can make a story together.

Procurement Buyer
About Procurement Buyer Role :

  • We Are looking for Buyer / Purchasing Role is responsible for carry out the process of procuring goods and/or services to support the company's needs in accordance with applicable policies, establishing orders, maintaining strong work relationships with vendors, fellow team members, and other departments in order to complete the assigned projects on time and under budget.

What You’ll be In Procurement Buyer Role :

  • Carry out the procurement process of related goods and/or services to support the company's needs;
  • Ensure the availability of goods and/or services in the right quantity, quality, and price in accordance with company needs through an integrated information system;
  • Ensure that the process of procuring goods and/or services is in accordance with the applicable procurement policies in the country company;
  • Analyze and evaluate the Procurement Needs Plan (RKP) from user functions as basic in procurement planning, preparation and procurement strategy, as well as analysis and evaluation procurement implementation.
  • Verify and review the Purchase Requisition (PR) and ensure that all documents procurement such as justification & PR, BoQ or product specifications, as well as the availability of a complete budget and adequate.
  • Carry out the process of recording transactions for purchases or procurement of goods and/or services in the ERP System (SAP);
  • Make changes to the demand for goods and/or services (if any) from the user function and perform evaluation and clarification of requests for changes in goods and/or services in accordance with applicable regulations applies to the company.
  • Creating and establishing good cooperative relationships with user functions and with all partners which exists.
  • Prepare reports on all operational procurement.
  • Analyze, evaluate and provide recommendations for improvement of the procurement process and/or services.
What You will need:

  • Minimum 1-2 years in Experience working in Procurement.
  • Bachelor Degree of Industrial Engineering, Electro Engineering, Informatics Engineering.
  • Have some Technical Competencies like Negotiation and Communication Policy & Procedure Management Supplier Relationship Management Reporting and analytics, Business Knowledge.
  • Strong Knowledge of Strategic Procurement, Category Management Procurement Sourcing are preferable.
Note : Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan dan semua berkaitan dengan seleksi lowongan kerja perusahaan karena itu semuanya GRATIS serta, tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun

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Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel Tingkat S1 Bulan Maret 2022

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Lowongankerja15.com Lowongankerja15.com Adalah Situs Penyedia Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terpercaya di Indonesia dan Sudah Berpengalaman Selama 11 Tahun dalam Memberikan Info Loker BUMN, BUMD, CPNS, dan Swasta secara terupdate ke semua Pembacanya